Meneluinin Wiki

[3/7/2013 7:29:51 PM] Caspar: Hee.
[3/7/2013 7:39:31 PM] Caspar: .... they'll find out eventually, you know.  I think right now they believe you to be involved in rough sexplay with Ulisse.
[3/7/2013 7:40:01 PM] Josie: Illa stops, obviously shocked. "*What*?"
[3/7/2013 7:40:30 PM] Caspar: They lack any other theories.
[3/7/2013 7:40:57 PM] Caspar: that will not stop them from trying to figure it out, though.
[3/7/2013 7:41:19 PM] Josie: Illa: "But I'm *not*. I *didn't*. I wouldn't ever... ugh!"
[3/7/2013 7:41:40 PM] Caspar: I know.
[3/7/2013 7:42:23 PM] Josie: Illa: And I don't think he would either. He never... ugh.
[3/7/2013 7:43:12 PM] Caspar: I know.
[3/7/2013 7:50:13 PM] Josie: Illa: *You* didn't think that, did you?
[3/7/2013 7:52:21 PM] Caspar: No.
[3/7/2013 7:52:32 PM] Caspar: But I haven't dealt with Ulisse as much as the rest of them.
[3/7/2013 7:53:40 PM] Josie: Illa: ... you should speak with him. He's kind.
[3/7/2013 7:54:36 PM] Caspar: Illa:  I did smack him in the face with the flat of my blade.  That's like talking.
[3/7/2013 7:55:45 PM] Josie: Illa: That *doesn't* count.
[3/7/2013 7:56:00 PM] Caspar: Oh, well, then I probably should.
[3/7/2013 7:56:20 PM] Josie: Illa smiles and kisses Caspar on the cheek.
[3/7/2013 7:56:50 PM] Caspar: ... was that your wolfsbane you drank back there?
[3/7/2013 7:58:09 PM] Josie: Illa: Yes.
[3/7/2013 7:58:34 PM] Josie: Illa: ... I can control it during the day, you know. I'm not going to... hurt anyone.
[3/7/2013 7:59:23 PM] Caspar: Caspar nods.  "I'm not worried.  But you need rest.  You did just drink poison."
[3/7/2013 7:59:50 PM] Josie: Illa nods, and slips her little slippers off, and slides into bed with a sigh.
[3/7/2013 7:59:58 PM] Josie: Illa: I feel like I'm always in bed.
[3/7/2013 8:01:40 PM] Caspar: Caspar kisses her on the forehead.
[3/7/2013 8:02:01 PM] Josie: She tries a tentative smile, and then seems to fall asleep again.
[3/7/2013 8:02:14 PM] Caspar: Caspar heads back to the sitting room!

[3/7/2013 11:12:02 PM] Josie: On the way to the kitchen, Caspar literally runs into Bellamy, as she's coming around a corner. She slips and falls to one knee.
[3/7/2013 11:12:40 PM] Caspar: Oh, I'm sorry.
[3/7/2013 11:14:24 PM] Caspar: Caspar holds out a hand to help her up.
[3/7/2013 11:14:33 PM] Josie: Bellamy takes his hand. "... are you all right?"
[3/7/2013 11:14:50 PM] Caspar: I feel off a ceiling onto the floor.
[3/7/2013 11:16:10 PM] Josie: Bellamy: That sounds painful.
[3/7/2013 11:16:37 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Here.
[3/7/2013 11:16:37 PM] Caspar: It was.
[3/7/2013 11:16:54 PM] Josie: She touches his hand, and pumps a couple of cure spells into him. All better!
[3/7/2013 11:17:13 PM] Caspar: Ow.  Thank you.
[3/7/2013 11:17:59 PM] Caspar: That's a lot better.
[3/7/2013 11:19:31 PM] Josie: Bellamy nods. "I live to serve."
[3/7/2013 11:19:36 PM] Josie: *Total* lack of irony.
[3/7/2013 11:19:59 PM] Caspar: I don't think I ever caught your name.  I'm Caspar.
[3/7/2013 11:21:12 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I'm Bellamy.
[3/7/2013 11:21:17 PM] Josie: She curtseys, deeply and formally.
[3/7/2013 11:22:57 PM] Caspar: You're a medium, right?
[3/7/2013 11:24:00 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Yes.
[3/7/2013 11:25:05 PM] Caspar: How does that work?  If you don't mind me asking.  I'm interested.
[3/7/2013 11:25:44 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I'm chained. I allow a spirit in, and it takes over my body.
[3/7/2013 11:26:43 PM] Caspar: Chained?  As in, you're bound?
[3/7/2013 11:27:29 PM] Josie: Bellamy nods.
[3/7/2013 11:27:41 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Thoroughly, with good locks.
[3/7/2013 11:27:47 PM] Josie: Bellamy: It's not worth the risk, otherwise.
[3/7/2013 11:28:41 PM] Caspar: Do you often channel dangerous spirits?
[3/7/2013 11:30:12 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I have, yes.
[3/7/2013 11:31:58 PM] Caspar: How do you... get rid of them?
[3/7/2013 11:32:29 PM] Josie: Bellamy: A battle of wills. And a spell failsafe.
[3/7/2013 11:33:17 PM] Caspar: Caspar nods.  "Like a contingiency."
[3/7/2013 11:33:46 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Yes.
[3/7/2013 11:33:58 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I don't often need it.
[3/7/2013 11:35:28 PM] Caspar: I imagine it's a traumatic experience.
[3/7/2013 11:36:31 PM] Josie: Bellamy shrugs. "I've had a number of experiences that have been unpleasant. And some that have been quite pleasant."
[3/7/2013 11:37:01 PM] Caspar: I mean, when you get a malevolent spirit.
[3/7/2013 11:38:19 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Sometimes.
[3/7/2013 11:39:05 PM] Caspar: Caspar pours some coffee.  "Do you remember anything afterward?"
[3/7/2013 11:40:33 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Sometimes; other times not at all. It really depends.
[3/7/2013 11:40:47 PM] Caspar: Depends on what?
[3/7/2013 11:42:31 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I don't know.
[3/7/2013 11:43:05 PM] Caspar: So, you have a gift that, while impressive, you don't have much control over.
[3/7/2013 11:43:25 PM] Josie: Bellamy: I have many gifts; your assessment of that one is correct.
[3/7/2013 11:43:56 PM] Caspar: I didn't mean it as an insult.
[3/7/2013 11:44:30 PM] Josie: She smiles. "Of course not."
[3/7/2013 11:47:53 PM] Caspar: Caspar offers her a cup of coffee.
[3/7/2013 11:48:46 PM] Josie: She takes it. "Thank you."
[3/7/2013 11:48:55 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Are you religious?
[3/7/2013 11:49:57 PM] Caspar: I'm not, really.
[3/7/2013 11:51:50 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Alas.
[3/7/2013 11:53:38 PM] Caspar: Caspar gives a little shrug.  "I'm interested in what people believe, though."
[3/7/2013 11:54:16 PM] Josie: She shakes her head. "Celibacy is almost blasphemous. The priest is mad."
[3/7/2013 11:55:03 PM] Caspar: Caspar nods.  "He's an odd one.  How is celibacy blasphemous?"
[3/7/2013 11:55:45 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Unnatural. And... wrong. We have few enough children as it is. ... perhaps it is different for humans.
[3/7/2013 11:56:15 PM] Caspar: I believe it is.
[3/7/2013 11:58:44 PM] Josie: Bellamy: Children are a blessing.
[3/7/2013 11:59:47 PM] Caspar: My parents always seemed to think so.  Even when I put a hole in the side of the house.
[12:01:03 AM] Josie: She laughs.
[12:03:00 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Do you have any yourself?
[12:03:17 AM] Caspar: Children?  I do not.
[12:03:57 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Why not?
[12:05:14 AM] Caspar: He shrugs.  "Haven't met the right person.  Or people."
[12:07:12 AM] Josie: She smiles. "And what are those qualifications?"
[12:07:21 AM] Josie: ((No SMs, huh?))
[12:07:51 AM] Caspar: And I don't know yet that I can have children.
[12:08:07 AM] Caspar: ((23 SM!))
[12:08:50 AM] Josie: ((ULTERIOR MOTIVES.))
[12:09:12 AM] Caspar: ((Eep!))
[12:09:44 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Oh? why not?
[12:10:09 AM] Caspar: Caspar shrugs.  "My situation is unusual, let's just say."
[12:12:07 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Hm. It sounds interesting, but I won't pry.
[12:14:41 AM] Caspar: Caspar smiles.  "Thank you.  Is there something in your faith that makes procreation the biggest priority?"
[12:15:38 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Not the biggest priority, but the land is connected to its people. One doesn't prevent crops from growing.
[12:18:36 AM] Caspar: I see.  What else does your faith believe?
[12:19:20 AM] Josie: Bellamy: The connection is a gift; bodies are a gift; children are a gift.
[12:19:51 AM] Caspar: What connection?
[12:21:43 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Between the land and the people.
[12:23:01 AM] Caspar: I'm sorry, I must seem very ignorant.  I'm from Solitaire.
[12:23:51 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Far to the south. And you have many different people there; I'm from a small town.
[12:26:51 AM] Caspar: Caspar nods.  "Yeah.  But no one religion really has a foothold in Solitaire."
[12:29:25 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Probably a good thing.
[12:30:28 AM] Caspar: Caspar raises an eyebrow.  "Really?"
[12:31:13 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I think so. People need different gods for different things, don't you think?
[12:33:31 AM] Caspar: I suppose so.
[12:34:13 AM] Caspar: ((I'm sorry, I'm getting spacey, for some reason.  <3 ))
[12:34:29 AM] Caspar: I don't know that people really need gods, though.
[12:38:11 AM] Caspar: ((I need to sit up and not lay down.))
[12:39:16 AM] Josie: ((Poor thing.))
[12:39:34 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I believe they do. Gods can help. And often do.
[12:39:48 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Though perhaps not in the ways we... expect.
[12:40:03 AM] Caspar: What do you mean?
[12:41:13 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Sometimes we get what we don't ask for. And sometimes we get what we do.
[12:41:37 AM] Caspar: But you could say you get that without the gods, too.
[12:43:15 AM] Josie: Bellamy: No. I couldn't.
[12:43:44 AM] Caspar: Why not?
[12:44:34 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I know where my power comes from.
[12:45:36 AM] Caspar: Oh.  Well, I suppose that's true.
[12:46:51 AM] Josie: Bellamy: ... they do give. They take, as well, but they do give.
[12:47:13 AM] Caspar: Do you revere more than one god?
[12:47:48 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Yes, when it's appropriate to do so. I'm dedicated to one, of course.
[12:49:30 AM] Caspar: Caspar sips at his coffee.  "Which one?"
[12:50:53 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Taelyss.
[12:51:38 AM] Caspar: What does she represent?
[12:52:49 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Fertility in land and body, growth and fullness.
[12:55:31 AM] Caspar: Oh.  I suppose that makes sense.  I should have guessed.
[12:57:04 AM] Caspar: How long have you been a medium?
[12:58:35 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Always.
[12:59:21 AM] Caspar: When did you enter the service of your faith?
[1:00:04 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I was chosen as a child, and became a priestess as soon as I became an adult.
[1:01:22 AM] Caspar: Are mediums common among those of your faith?
[1:01:41 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Not that I'm aware of. Anyone can do it with a strong enough will and great enough control over the body.
[1:06:38 AM] Caspar: I don't know that I'd like the idea of giving up agency like that.
[1:07:31 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I can't say I do.
[1:07:40 AM] Josie: Bellamy: But gifts are meant to be used.
[1:07:53 AM] Caspar: Are you sure it's a gift?
[1:08:23 AM] Josie: Bellamy: Yes.
[1:09:10 AM] Caspar: How do you know, though?
[1:10:33 AM] Josie: Bellamy: I know.
[1:10:35 AM] Josie: She shrugs.\
